How Important Is Wine and Food Pairing?

How Important Is Wine and Food Pairing?
Well , it's an ongoing debate in the world of wine. Does wine food
pairing really matter and which wine goes with which food? Well
essentially wine food matching preferences are very individual.
However, it is undeniable that certain food groups simply pair better with certain wine types. When you discover that near perfect
match, it truly does enhance both your food and your wine.

Our food pairing choices are no longer red wine with beef and white wine with chicken or fish. Today's wines, both red and white, are so varied in flavor and texture, that it's impossible to pinpoint with 100 % accuracy the best wine food match.

Today we look for wine with the flavors, aromas and weight that
most closely match the characteristics of the meal. It's all about
balance. In most cases it makes more sense to match your meals 
sauces to a wine, rather than the protein. For example,  a blackened
(spicy) fish will go better with a Shiraz (red) than a Chardonnay 

Cooking Together in the Kitchen

One of the most important aspects of wine food pairing is matching the body of your wine with the level of intensity in the flavors of
your food. You don't wan to pair a light wine with a meal contain-
ing heavy food and sauces. Conversely, you don't want to pair a full
bodied wine with a meal containing light delicate foods. Wine food matching can also be done by region (i.e. choose an Italian wine to
go with your pasta dishes).

Food pairing, much like wine tasting, is a skill that takes time and experience to develop. Why don't we just relax and enjoy the process. You'll learn quickly what doesn't go well together and have fun figuring it out!

Lastly, if you are fine dining, by all means take advantage of their
expert. Who? the Sommelier. Sommeliers are there to help you find the best wine to suit your meal and your budget. Please don't
be afraid to ask , a good Sommelier will enjoy sharing their expertise with you.

Definition of Sommelier: a waiter in a restaurant who has charge of wines and their service. A wine steward worth their weight in gold.

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